Thanks for the query to H.C.M. Forum.
This is very important for a doctor for evaluation of diagnosis to know the age and sex of patient ?
Since you mentioned that peeling of palms blistering weakness blood pressure 90 mm ,
dizziness, all these symptoms may be due to ,
1 Anemia , diagnosis can be confirmed by blood examination for C B C , E S R &
hemoglobin level.
Diabetes , one of the foremost reason of
weight loss and peeling of skin with blister formation . Diagnosis can be confirmed by blood examination for H B A 1 C and sugar level.
Hepatitis , one of the foremost reason in such type of symptoms , so get in blood for Hbasg ( A , B C E ) .
As blood pressure is very low so this may be the reason of dizziness or vice versa .
In my opinion it is very difficult to evaluate a diagnosis without age and sex . In my opinion consult a physician and get his opinion as physical examination is very important.
Good luck.