Thanks for the query.
I am sorry that you had these issues. However the chances are there. usually ovulation occurs from alternate ovaries every month. meaning that one ovary ovulates in one month and the second in the next month and so on. I am not sure if your tube was removed but what was done to the ovary. If the ovary is there, you have a chance of potentially conceiving every alternate month as one month the ovary without the tube might ovulate. However this is not a very hard and fast rule. If only one ovary is left, it ovulates every month.
Another issue is condition of the other tube. If there is an ectopic, the common cause is tubal damage that may be on both sides. However you did have a intrauterine
pregnancy so chances that the tube is healthy are good.
Regarding knowledge about ovulation, you may use the
basal body temperature method where one needs to measure the temperature before waking up from bed every day using a special thermometer till you find that it begins to rise [after ovulation]. Another method is detecting the cervical mucus, thin mucus indicates ovulation. Ovulation detecting kits are also available over the counter and may be used.
I suggest that you try to conceive for 6 months, if there are no results, consult an
infertility specialist.
Please do not worry as many of my patients have had pregnancies with single tubes and had a good outcome.
Hope this satisfies your query.
Thanks for using HCM.
Feel free to ask any more questions that you may have.
Dr Madhuri Bagde
Consultant Obstetrician and Gynecologist