Since you are doing work in pharmacy so you will understand in better way:
Taken together ,the data from several large studies suggests that the risk of
HIV infection following , percutaneous exposure to HIV-contaminated blood is ~0.3% ( in your case since technician was HIV infected and you are assuming that pen was wiped with blood )and after a
mucous membrane exposure ,approximately 0.09%.
As you mentioned that there was a crack on the skin of finger ( but you know that immediately after crack there form a scab and this act as a protective barrier ).
If your crack on the skin was 24 hours old ,in my opinion there is NO chance of getting infection by you.
One thing you mentioned that technician is also taking retroviral treatment so his
viral load is also very very low . This further prove that HIV infection can't transmitted to you.
At least in my opinion you are not HIV infected .
But you are under
stress , so I recommend you get in rapid P 24 nucleic acid amplification test ( pcr
rna ).
Hope this will help you.