well, its a long story. you see today my dad had a heart attack , and nobody was home except for my dog. my mom sister and i were on our way back home from a wedding when our dad called - he sounded out of breath but i heard heart attack so we rushed home. we called 911 and they arrived so my dads skin was cold, and he could hardly breath plus he had arm pains. i didnt go to the hospital with my dad cause im only 13 and i cant bare to see anything liek this. my mom and sister went though. so, my mom and sis are home right now but my dad is staying at the hospital. they told me my fathers arteries were blocked in the heart and the doctor had to take the heart out and put these metal tubes or something. and he also had to connect the arteries near the groins. i just want to know if hes going to be okay and what could of caused this. my dad drinks sometimes but not often. the doctor said my dad might be back on wednesday or tuesday depending on how he does over night. but yea my dad has a artificial heart now so he could stay alive because if he doesnt have it hes dead =/ kathleen the doctor said my dad wont be able to work or anything for 30 days and he will be taking the pills for a whole year. also, i do think it was all the fat my dad had. but he also had blood sugar problems