Hello, I am a 23 year old man and worried I have contracted an STD. Four months ago I had one unprotected sexual encounter with a female. To give a timeline I will call the day of this encounter day 0. On day 4 and 5 I started noticing some loss of feeling in the tip of my penis. I also lost a lot of sexual desire. The final symptom was a discomfort when sitting down in the prostate area. All symptoms occurred only when sitting, when standing and walking there was no pain in my prostate area. On day 9 I was tested for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia and the results came back negative. Although, the doctor that gave me my std test said it may be too early to pick up the infection so that worried me. I have a girlfriend who I see on weekends and we have sex 2-5 times a weekend. I say this because 3 weeks after the encounter I told her and she was tested for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia on day 23. Again, we had sex nearly every day of every weekend after my encounter and before she was tested, these days include 2,3,4,10,11,12,17,18,19. Her results also came back negative. So here I am 4 months later and I have all normal sensitivity in my penis but sitting down is sometimes uncomfortable. There feels to be a pressure in my urethra and discomfort below my scrota. Now there is also mild and intermittent pain/burning while urinating. Sometimes there is a a dripping feeling as well in my urethra but never have I had any discharge whatsoever. I feel like I urinate a little more frequently and my urine is darker than normal (I think). There is also more than normal discomfort in my bladder when it is full when sitting, bending over or pushing on my bladder. One other thing I d like to note, and another possible explanation for these symptoms, is that 2 months before the sexual encounter I started my first desk job where I sat in an office chair for 45 hours a week. 1 month after the encounter I was done with the job and went back to school. Also, During the job I was staying in a hotel where I slept naked mostly every night. So my questions are 1.) Could sitting for 45 hours a week for 2 months cause these symptoms and some condition rather than an STD? 2.)Could sleeping naked in hotel sheets that were changed weekly cause these symptoms and some condition rather than an STD? Could the blanks have been dirty and I contracted something through them? 3.) Did I go in too early to get a reliable STD test result? If not I should probably get another rather than consulting other help? 4.) Are my girlfriends results possibly negative because of going in too early to be tested as well? 5.) If you do not think this is an STD what could it be and how could it have been caused? 6.) I have also heard of physical symptoms that occur because of emotional guilt. Which is hard for me to believe but would make sense because of the fact that I cheated on my girlfriend and told her. I was stressing out very much so about the fact that I may have given both of us an std. I also still feel very shameful and beat myself up. Is that true or possible? 7.) I seem young (23) to have prostate problems unrelated to STDs but I ve been reading it isn t impossible, how often do prostate problems occur for men in their early 20s? Thank you very much for your time and expertise.