In follicular scan I think 19.2mm & 14.2mm are sizes of follicles, if so you are absolutely normal. Even the inner lining of
uterus of 9.3 mm is great. All this means you are producing normal eggs with good
hormonal values & having a good lining of uterus , which is healthy & good enough for the baby to attach.
Kindly have patience, 5 mths attempt is not a long duration enough for you to worry about. As you said all your's & husband's investigations are normal you don't need to worry.
If the best egg meets the best sperm , at right place & if the
pregnancy has a good landing in the uterus , you get a healthy pregnancy.
We can make sperms & eggs meet , but rest is in almighty's hands.
Be patient for the right time for the jackpot.
All the best, God bless you