I was wondering if you could help me out, my girlfriend and I were "dry humping" about 4-5 days ago. She was on the 4th day of her period. I had boxers and jeans on, and she was wearing sweat pants and panties. I remember pulling back when I ejaculated, but I cant remember if it was in time. When I went to clean up I discovered it had leaked onto my pants, and when I went downstairs to check with her we saw no leakage on her sweat pants. She's easily scared and she's making me a little nervous, so I was wondering. What are the odds that she is actually pregnant? She's just wondering because she felt nautious this morning (even though she feels nautious alot), and she's easily fightened by thing's like this. We took a pregnancy test "which we found out was way to early to take", and it said not pregnant, also I don't know if that means anything either. Any help is appreciated :)