Hi thanks for asking question in HCM.
Rotor syndrome present with cojugated hyperbilirunemia.
It is autosomal recessive condition.So chances of getting child with rotor syndrome is 25%.
There are various helpful suggestion in your case to reduce
Avoid certain drugs that aggravate jaundice like statin, methtrexate,
rosiglitazone,lopinavir,fexofenedin,valsartan etc.
Papaiya leaves,tomato juice,gooseberry helpful in decreasing bilirubin.
Sugarcane help in proper digestion and liver function.
Acorrding to some study carrot juice help in jaundice.
Avoid spicy, fried and junk foods.
Avoid excess tea,coffe, alcohol.
Pulses and legumens are avoided.Drink boiled water.
I hope my suggestion will help you.thanks.