Hallow Dear,
Your menstrual cycle though not very regular, is varying between 26 to 29 days; I should say fairly regular.
In regular menstrual cycle, the egg is released 14 days prior to the next expected menses. The Egg has a life of 24 hours while sperms are active for 72 hours. Hence a period of about a week around the day of egg release is fertile period.
Considering your period of about 28 days, your expected period was around 14 November and the day of egg release (ovulation) would be around 31 October. This calculates fertile period from 27 October to 4 November. Thus your
unprotected intercourse on 10 November falls way outside the fertile period. Thus according to this calculation, you carry very minimal risk of
pregnancy due to this intercourse.
However, we have to consider your age factor. Your age is 47 years; nearing
menopause. Variation in your menstrual pattern is due to the perimenopausal changes. During this period of life, the ovulation is very unpredictable and irregular. Not all the cycles are ovulatory. Moreover, the menses also may become irregular. Thus it really becomes difficult to calculate the safe period. Even if your menses are delayed, you cannot figure out whether these are perimenopausal irregularities or possibility of pregnancy. Hence, during this phase of life, it is always advisable to use reliable
contraceptive like condom.
I feel, with this menstrual history and history of intercourse, you stand very minimal, almost no chance of pregnancy. You should get your menses. However, if at all you do not get menses even 40 days after the last menstrual period; i.e. 26 November, perform pregnancy test on overnight first morning urine sample.
I hope this helps you.
Dr. Nishikant Shrotri