Hello. Thank you for writing to us at healthcaremagic
Your recent tests revealing a low risk
Hpv infection is likely to be a reinfection. Most of the time human body takes care of Hpv infection all by itself; also assisted by freeze therapy of visible genital
warts, if any.
Low risk Hpv types like type 6 and 11 mainly cause genital warts without increasing any risk of cancer.
Since you were earlier detected as a carrier of high risk Hpv types which was adequately taken care of by freezing. It is unlikely, that infection is still persisting.
Most high-risk HPV infections occur without any symptoms, go away within 1 to 2 years, and do not cause cancer. These transient infections may cause cytologic abnormalities, or abnormal cell changes, that go away on their own.
Some HPV infections, however, can persist for many years. Persistent infections with high-risk HPV types can lead to more serious cytologic abnormalities or lesions that, if untreated, may progress to cancer.
However, since you recent tests have been negative for high risk Hpv types therefore likely you are free from your past infection with high risk Hpv types.