Hi welcome to HCM
I Have gone thru your query regarding fear of recurrent
ameloblastoma . In fact your fear is relevent as this disease is so dreadful . there are many veiws about
Recurrence is common, although the recurrence rates for block resection followed by bone graft are lower than those of enucleation and curettage. Follicular variants appear to recur more than plexiform variants. Unicystic tumors recur less frequently than "non-unicystic" tumors.
Persistent follow-up examination is essential for managing ameloblastoma . Follow up should occur at regular intervals for at least 10 years. Follow up is important, because 50% of all recurrences occur within 5 years postoperatively. Recurrence within a bone graft does occur .Seeding to the bone graft is suspected as a cause of recurrence.
The recurrences in these cases seem to stem from the soft tissues, especially the adjacent
periosteum. Recurrence has been reported to occur as many as 36 years after treatment.
I suggest you to go thru a check up and get relieved .Why to keep worrying ,keeping your self in suspens .It is always 'stitch in time save nine '.
Follow a regimen of balanced diet including fibers and all essential nutrients &
antioxidants proper rest and exercise to strengthen your immune system to get resistance from diseases .
Avoide fried ,fast ,foods ,tea, coffee, alcohol ,
smoking , worry ,
anxiety ,anger and
constipation Hope this helps solve your query . All the best take care .
Don't hesitate to get back for futher query if have any