Hello Doctor, I am married. I have a problem with irregular menstruation from many years. It skips for at times 2 months at a stretch. I recently got married but we never had intercourse so far. We are only having orals like fingering. He stays outside the city and comes only for 2-3 days in a month. 10 days back when he had come, we just had orals at night; same day morning I had a little crampy pain in abdomen which lasted for couple of hours and then went off. Around 5 days back I started having constant cramps in my lower abdomen which were extreme for 1-2 days n then subsided to minimal with a feeling of pain in lower abdomen. I haven t got periods yet. Is the pain due to periods not coming, if yes please tell me which medicine to start with to get periods in coming days. PCOS was done few years back. It was negative. One more thing I would like to ask you is that, is it possible that the precum can play any role in pregnancy like if there is slight precum on the penis and its just rubbed over the outer wall of the vagina, or there is deep fingering after that, can it induce pregnancy and if yes under what circumstances? [Ectopic pregnancy any chance with Irregular periods] Also want to ask you why there is constant mild pain in lower abdomen? I suddenly started with the pain; first 3 days it was very severe but now its mild and constant. Earlier when I used to have the feeling of onset of periods, I used to get cramps but not the constant types. Just would last for couple of hours or a day and then go off. This time why it is constant? Also a general question, after how many days a girl will show signs or symptoms of pregnancy? Await reply Regards n Thanks Supriya