Hallow Dear,
Since you have missed period for 10 days and your breasts are tender, the chances of
pregnancy are very high. Apart from the missed period, the other symptoms of pregnancy are:
Nausea &
vomiting with pica
2. Frequent urination
3. Breast symptoms: Engorgement & tenderness, dark discolouration of nipples &
areola with areolar widening, Montgomery's tubercles under areola and secretions from the nipples.
These all symptoms start appearing about 10 days after missed period. You are having a few of them.
Dear madam, the pregnancy is never diagnosed only on symptoms in early stage as these symptoms can be due to some other underlying cause also. So please get your pregnancy test done on overnight first early morning urine sample. This will confirm your pregnancy.
Moreover, brown bleeding during any stage of pregnancy is not a good sign and indicates risk to the baby. So please report to Emergency Room where you will be subjected to
ultrasonography to assess the safety and health of the baby.
You are probably underfeeding yourself because of nausea. Please force feed yourself to feel more energetic. Banana in
cold milk is very good to overcome nausea. This nauseating feeling lasts for first three months. Then gradually you will feel better.
I hope this helps you.
Dr. Nishikant Shrotri