i have been having pergnancy sysmtons for five mths now and is scare to take a test i have been havin lower back pains, weight gain, sleep like all day, food craving, headache, very emotional, shorter periods lastin for 3days for about mth now could i be pergnant or is something wrong i have been have pergnancy sysmtons for about five mth now the lower back pain, headache, food craving, wegith gain, naseusa but not throwin up, sleep all day feelin tired all day, frequent bathroom trips. i have been off my depo since 2009 , started to have unprotected sex with my boyfriend in july of 2010, period became shorter in nov going from 7days to three days the food craving i be havin is food my boyfriend like to eat but i wouldn t normally eat my period have been 3day for the last 5 mth now could i be pergnant to scare to test thinking something is wrong . i hear from woman carrying there pergnancy in different ways some say that still had their period but where shorter had period until 6mth of their pergancy some say the whole nine mth