I had e Coli bladder infection about 3 weeks ago. I didn t finish the antibiotic because the initial test came back clear, but the culture came back E Coli a day later. I restarted and finished the antibiotic, but never felt like it totally cleared up. I went to my gynocolosit and he did a test, it showed trace-intact blood, but he said the test was clear, no infection. I continued to use AZO, and just didn t feel like it totally cleared up. I felt constant pressure to go to the bath room and slight burning after going. I went back for another urine test yesterday. It showed Moderate amount of blood (I had used AZO 36 hours previously) and small leukocyte. The culture just came back negative for infection. Should I be concerned about the blood, or could the AZO have presented as blood on the dip stick test?