I was on 75mg Effexor for only one week, and felt SO HORRIBLE that I went off of it because I was having almost ALL of the side effects. Well, I am STILL having side effects 2 months later! I have been in and out of the hospital and ER because of them. Nobody believes that it can be the Effexor after all of this time, but these symptoms came on RIGHT after starting the Effexor. Can side effects be this bad and last this long after being on it only 1 week? They are talking about fibromyalgia, but it seems weird to me that these symptoms started after taking the Effexor. OR, could the Effexor have speeded up some other issue? I feel like I am dying but ALL of the tests so far are coming back normal. I think the doctors think it s in my head, but it is not. I used to be happy and active, and now my life is miserable.