I have had chronic pain since my ladder fell while I was descending from my garage roof on November 8, 2013. I fell 9 feet onto my concrete driveway and broke my left calcaneus into 9 pieces. I had reconstructive surgery in December of 2013 and, ultimately, a heel/ankle fusion in May 2014 which was not successful. I have been using a bone fusion machine since about August of 2014 and while, according to my surgeon, it has worked, I am still suffering the same or higher levels of pain. I have gotten to the point I take 15 MG of Lortab in the morning when I get up and then again in the mid-afternoon to control the pain. I will be having a surgery next Wednesday (by a different surgeon) to remove the screw used to fuse my left ankle and heel. If that doesn t help, can you suggest both a different means of pain control and also how I can come off the Lortab. I was shocked to find out people coming off Lortab can experience the same severe problems I have always associated with illegal drug use.