I have a question as a both paranoid and medically interested boyfriend. My girlfriend, of over a year, and I engaged in unprotected sex in which the pull out method was used (not a great idea at all). Shortly after, about 3 days, she received a cortisone injection for her right knee (was hit by a car 6 months ago and repercussions still arise). 2 weeks after that, she was prescribed Medrol for as the cortisone failed. This was at the same time as her period was supposed to begin, on August 2. Now, on August 11th, with no period in sight except for some cramps she experienced, there is no spotting, she received two cortisone injections for a bulging disk in her back. Can you please give me your opinion(s) for two things: 1) Liklihood of pregnancy. We are going to test within 48 hours if ahe has no applontments & 2) Whether or not the Medrol and Cortisone combined delayed or stopped ger menstrual cycle for thw month altogether Thank you so much!