Hello, and I hope I can help you today.
If you have stopped
breastfeeding, you should choose an alternate pill formulation as
Micronor, or any progesterone-only-pill, is only about 90 percent effective in preventing
pregnancy when you are not breastfeeding.
Micronor does not give you regular periods, and you may skip again for months if you continue to take it. This does NOT mean that you cannot conceive- I have seen many women who stopped breastfeeding and got pregnant in the months that followed while taking Micronor.
So I recommend you contact your GYN doctor so you may be switched to
Ortho Novum (the same brand of pill but with added
estrogen) or another brand of combination pill (containing both estrogen and progesterone) as they are much more effective, and will give you a regular, predictable cycle every 28 days.
I hope I was able to adequately answer your question today and that my advice was helpful.
Best wishes,
Dr. Brown