Hello dear
Understand your concern.
Mirena is long acting hormonal contarceptive.
It is effective for 5 years and safe.
It should be put by gynecologist or trained healthcare provider.
Following are the common side effects:
bleeding in between period and spotting, amenorrhea,
Vaginal and
urinary tract infections
pelvic pain,
ovarian cysts,
Mood swings, dizziness, tiredness, acne.
Tubal pregnancy.
But it require regular follow up for placement of IUD.
As there is chance of misplacement or perforation of uterus.
I think in your case it is UTI/
urethritis or
vaginal infection.
Continue your antibiotics for more two days
Drink plenty of waters
Fruit juice like: papaya, cranberry, orange, pineapple.
Wash your vagina with warm salted water
Tablet meftal spas
Wear loose pure cotton inner wear
Keep the vagina clean and dry.
Repeat the test after week or do urine culture or test for
vaginal discharge for diagnosis of exact pathogen .
And than take treatment accordingly to report
Hope this may help you
Best regards
Dr. Sagar