I AM 86 Yr. old female. Have, for many years now, SJOGREN S SYNDROME, FIBROMYALGIA, OSTEOSPOROSIS , RA, & LUPUS (Dr. thinks it s in remission). I have an extremely low energy level. I I m always extremely tired. Dr. gave me Plaquenil for Lupus, but because of all my autoimmune conditions, I lost my eyesight - developed TEMPORAL ARTIRITIS Haave had to take Prednisone for a few years. Now it sunder control. My question is: MY Rheumatologist wants to put me on PROLIA . The injection stays in the system 6 months. I m afraid of the side effects. Last time I took BONIVA (3 Mos.) & had a problem with dental work. Dentist refused to do dental work while Boniva was in my system. Would appreciate your input. Thank you. P.S. I also have Sleep Apnea