Hi there. I am a 22 year-old female that is currently not on birth control. A little over a year ago, my doctor had given me sample packs of Lo Loestrin Fe (without requesting any bloodwork, physical exam, or other medical tests), in hopes that it would regulate my period to a monthly cycle; naturally, without being on any medication, I would have a normal period every other month. Also, he believed it would balance my hormones since I had unusual hair growth on my face and chest. Since I was given the Lo Loestrin Fe just before I left for a long-term study abroad (this was in August 2013) in Japan, I started taking the pill the Sunday after my menstrual cycle. I heard that spotting and period-like symptoms were common, so I was prepared for such. However, when the following month came around, and I expected a menstrual cycle, nothing happened. I didn t experience any side effects either; after that last period in August, I did not have another until that December, when I stopped taking the Lo Loestrin Fe. I returned to my doctor and told him what happened, to which he prescribed me YAZ (again, without any bloodwork or tests done). I am prone to side effects and refused to take this form of birth control. As mentioned before, I am not on any birth control now, and since December 2013, my period has been normal AND regular. I returned to Japan that following January and have been perfectly healthy since. But now that I sexually active with my boyfriend, I want that extra measure of protection, despite the fact that we are very careful about our activity and always use condoms. Obtaining a prescription for birth control is quite difficult and rather expensive here. However, I do have a 3-month supply of Lo Loestrin Fe with me, which would be enough until I could find a new doctor when I return to the US in December. So my question to you is, for the time being, would it be worth to take the Lo Loestrin Fe or simply wait? Thank you for your time.