I am a male of 27 years of age. My height is 173cms, and weight is 65kgs. Even I might look perfectly fine when I am fully clothed, but as I remove my top clothes, its perfectly visible that my chest and shoulders look very awkward, like they are of a 16 year old boy. I feel very less developed there. I can attach picture if so required. In this regard (though it might not be related to the above mentioned problem), I would like to mention of a habit which might have resulted in this problem (my assumption). I began masturbating at a very early age of 5-6 years due to very abusive childhood. And, by the time I was 9-10 years old, I had attained puberty and my body was full of pubic hairs. At that time, I was tall among my classmates. But, by the time, I reached 16 years of age, my growth somehow stopped, and my balls didn t grow as they should have been. At present, I have smaller balls, and feels low on libido. What should I do to diagnose this problem? I feel ashamed to disclose it to friends and family. I m losing confidence because of that.. Please help.