Hello Monica, Tranexa-mf is a combination of
Tranexamic acid (500mg) & Mefanamic acid (250mg). Tranexamic acid prevents excessive bleeding in various conditions including heavy menstural bleeding. It is used as a first line non hormonal treatment in irregular,
heavy periods.
Mefanamic acid belongs to pain killer (analgesics) group. It inhibits pain & reduces the volume of menstural flow.
Daily dose of Tranexa -mf is 2tab 3 times a day. You have not exceeded the prescribed dose.The chances of side effects for Tranexa-mf is rare at the dosage you are taking.
Mild side effects of Tranexa-mf are fatigue, headache,
dizziness, diarrhoea & nausea. Rare & serious side effects are
1. vision problems including changes in colour vision.
2. migraine.
3. muscle & bone pain, problems in balancing.
4. swelling on both legs.
5. abdominal cramps, giddiness, inability to concentrate.
hypersensitivity (severe
allergic reaction)
However, these side effects occur only on long term administration.