Hi, I smoked marijuana for about the 4th time last Saturday with my close friends. It was actually my 2nd time actually getting high and you can tell I don t know much about marijuana or am used to it. The night I hit high, I m pretty sure I experienced a panic attack as my body went numb, it was hard to move around, and I felt dizzy. Eventually I started to just sit down and calm myself down. I woke up the next morning initially feeling normal but as soon as I got in the car to drive to church, my hands got a numb feeling. When I got to church, my legs experienced this numbing sensation also, especially when I sat down in a chair. It s Wednesday now, and even though my body feels better, I still feel this numbing sensation in the left side of my body when I first sit down in a chair or in my car. The left side of my body just feels a little bit more uncomfortable than the right. I have read lots of threads regarding stories similar to mine and I just want my body to come back to normal. Please help. What do I DO?