Hello thanks for asking from HCM
Cigarette consists tobacco which contains a number of alkaloids like
nicotine. Nicotine is a stimulant and it is known to cause intense stimulation and may precipitate
anxiety with tremors, shaking, sweating, nausea,
restlessness, palpitations etc symptoms. You have started the
cigarette smoking after a gap and this has resulted in restlessness and anxiety. I would advise you to not to smoke again and try to quit the habit. This would result in reduction of these symptoms and you will feel better.
Apart from this cigarette smoking is associated with a lot of serious complications. It increases the risk of a number of cancers like
oral cancer, carcinoma oesophagus, cancer of lungs etc. It is known to cause gastric upset and may worsen ulcer formation. So its better to avoid smoking.
Thanks, hope this helps you in stopping cigarettes.