I understand your query.
Scientifically vaginal douching is said to be harmful-in the sense, it disturbs normal (helpful) bacterias & yeast in vagina & makes it more prone to vaginal infections,fungal infections,pelvic inflammation & certain cancers & also
pregnancy complications.
The only possible advantage of douching is feeling of cleanliness .
In your case-
- Exclude/ get treatment for vaginal infection, urine infection/
stress incontinence,
excessive sweating .
-Use loose cotton undergarments,
- wear perfume ( behind knees/ inner side of thighs
- Use tea tree oil 1 spoon in a mug of water to clean vagina.( natural anti bacterial/antifungal)
-Add apple cinder vinegar in your tub bath.( it's natural antibacterial)
- Avoid vaginal douching.
- Try vaginal pessaries with lactobacilli- to normalize
vaginal flora.
- May be it is due to your natural body fluids. Start accepting it .