I am 33yrs old, no kids, on seasonale, so no period for 3 moths at a time. I recently took a pregnancy test as a joke for my sister, it was negative but later when I looked at it it was positive, I looked at the directions, they said AFTER 10 minutes you can get wrong results. but a week later I had a big clear sac 5 inches long and 3-4 inches aross come out, it had a blood clot on one end, where it seemed to have been attached to something. Inside the sack there was what looked like a little body, head with 2 tiny eyes, belly and cord. It was quite thick. I was at work and there was no way to keep it but I did take a pic to show my doctor. I waited 3 days to see her, she says endometrial cyst most likely but as soon as she saw the pictures she ordered blood work and a ultrasound which showed absolutely nothing but im still having pain. She was surprised and said she had never seen that before. Could it have been a miscarriage? I do have adrenal insufficiency which throws off my blood work ad other medical issues. If not a miscarriage, what would your opinion be?