Thanks for the query. I would like to know about your age and gender.
Grossly, the human body has small and large intestine.
Bowel cancer refers to the cancer that originates in the large bowel (the large bowel comprises mainly of the colon -
ascending colon,
transverse colon, descending colon and sigmoid colon; and the rectum).
Depending on the site of origination, the symptoms of the cancer may differ. Those that arise from the Right colon, mainly present with weight loss and anemia whereas those arising from the left side may present with
constipation and altered bowel habits (though non of them are absolute or mutually exclusive). To sum up it can be said symptoms of bowel cancer include blood in your stools, an unexplained change in your bowel habits and
unexplained weight loss.
From your clinical history, at present, I dont think there's much to worry, but I would like to know about your age, gender, family history, dietary habits and addictions. If you have any risk for colon cancer, for example Family history, you may consult your gastroenterologist for screening purpose.
Hope this helps you.