Welcome to HCM
We understand your concerns
I went through your details. Claustrophobia may bring on feelings similar to a panic attack, which may cause Sweating, Rapid heart beat,
Shortness of breath or
hyperventilation, Trembling,
Lightheadedness or fainting, Nausea, Feelings of dread, terror, panic etc.
In your case, for the time being, I don't think you have claustrophobia. Here you are just apprehending about something which may or may not happen. That just amounts to apprehension and anxiety.
The best option for the time being is to ignore the symptoms and get on with the travel because, these symptoms cannot harm you. You may
consult a psychologist /
psychiatrist for evaluation and assessment and then for treatment.
If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible.
Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications.
Good luck. Take care.