Hello. My Mom has what I suspect are epidermoid cysts on her scalp. She started getting problems on her scalp some ten years ago (redness, itching and scaling), went to see doctors but nothing really helped. The condition worsened over time, and these cysts developed. She has a big one on the top of her head. And the back of her head is quite scarred (no cyst, but scar and hair loss). She covers the one on top with her hair, but I can see crusty parts though the hair and it smells really badly! I am too embarrassed to really talk to her, and I know she did try seeking medical help in the previous years, but now it seems like she just made her peace with it. She searched online and it seems she is afraid at this point it is not treatable anymore. She read they keep coming back anyway, and she is afraid she will just have more scars and bold spots and more lumps as consequence. But the condition really affects the quality of her life and she is obviously very self conscious about it. I wish something could be done. I myself can t stand the smell, but what can I do, I can t complain about it, she will only feel worse. I read such cysts can be treated, but it seems like that is the case only with little, not infected ones. As I said, she already has scars, hair loss, and a big lump oozing puss which becomes all crusty. Is there anything that can be done to at least alleviate the condition? Thank you.