My cousin Lana has become a medical mystery. NO ONE knows what is wrong with her exactly. They have transferred her to multiple hospitals and have a specialist assigned to each part/symptom of her body. There is still no diagnoses since JUNE when her symptoms have started. Everyone is baffled with her. They have started to test her for everything known to man and still cant find an answer to help her. She has been moved to Scottish Rights in Atlanta Ga now and still nobody knows. She was deaf at one point, now she can hear, she was completely blind to everything but light and now she sees distortions and thinks everyone is moving fast when they are standing still. Her entire left side is completely paralyzed. Her speech is hard for her because she cannot find the words she used to know.
She is only 18 years old. Someone has got to know how to treat her. She is so young and her family wont give up on her. But still we cannot find an answer. The docotrs say according to her EEG results she should be in ACOMA, but yet she isnt. We need someone to help, someone interested enough to crack a medical mystery, a marvel, a one of a kind diagnoses.