my son is about to turn 2. he has had over 30 ear infections, constant repiratory infections, not responsive to antibiotics, 3 sets of tubes, adenoid removal and allergy testing came back negative. here is the latest blood work: WBC 8.5 RBC 4.68 Hemoglobin 13.3 Hematocrit 36.6 MCV 78.2 MCH 28.4 MCHC 36.3 RDW 12.1 Platlet Count 315 Basophil 0.6 IGE 4.3 IGA 64 IGG 545 IGM 70 segmented neutrophil 26 lymphocytes 55 atypical lymphocytes 15% monocytes 2 eosinophils 2 is there any indication of an autoimmune disorder, luekemia, etc? he was not sick when the blood was drawn.