dear dpctors I am 6 weeks pregnant I did I CSI for sixth time i , my test was possitive for first time (HCg test was 807), I did PGD and my doctor put the 2 of best qulaity embryo, and he said every thing iso.K after the first ultra sound about 3 weeks ago I went for second ultra sound ( at 5th weks) last weekk but there was no ftal heart beat my doc advise to countinue to use the medecin and I had my third ultra sound ( abdomen & vaginal ) today but there is no fetal hear beat again, but the sac & yolk and size of embryo are O.k he wrote me some test he think may be immunu system of my vomb is opposite of the embryo and inhibite to make heart, my trest esult will be ready on sunday ,now what should I dod if my doctor advise t D& c Please tell me what should I dio wait r not