I understand your concern.
Two months delayed period with repeated
pregnancy tests being constsntly -ve is a point of concern.
* first of all you should get blood HCG test/
sonography to confirm pregnancy test reports.
* Delayed periods with -ve pregnancy test indicates some problem with menstrual cycle .It can be due to- post illness irregularity, sever anemia,
hormonal imbalance, PCOD or other ovarian problems,
thyroid problems.
Feeling of nausea /
metallic taste in mouth can be due to GI disturbances/ hormonal disturbance.
* If your pregnancy is excluded , you should consult a gynecologist, get physically examined. Doctor then would advise investigations ( like CBC, Thyroid function test, USG abdomen, hormonal assay)- to pin point the cause & then would advise specific treatment to regularize your menses.