I had thyroid cancer years ago and had a thyroidectomy and radiation ablation. I was on Synthroid 150mg for years, after menopause my doctor lowered my dosage and I became symptomatic, cold hands, dry skin, and weight gain of 12 lbs in less than 6 months ( I watch my weight and have maintained the same wt for 10 years and I haven t changed my diet or exercise.) He added Cytomel 5mg once daily at my urging the cold intolerance is slightly better, but not cured my hands are still cold and I am still too cold to get into the pool most days, my question is about the Cytomel dose. I have been doing some studying and most the literature calls for a dose in morning and one at night I was wondering if this would help my symptoms since I have had some improvement but not much. I have stopped the weight gain, but I have not lost the extra pounds I put on during the change. My thyroid levels are normal so my doctor has not changed the dosage, bu my symptoms are not. Thank you,