Hello, My new wife is a bit naive about reproductive issues. She decided on her own to start using tampons instead of pads for her period. I had no idea that she was doing this but support her choice of feminine products. Two day she came to me after work and asked how you place a tampon. I m a guy. How do I know, but I tried to explain how it should be done, and together we read the instruction sheet on the box. It turns out she had left the plastic applicator in and was embarrassed because it/they had fallen out somewhere. I asked if the tampons were still in place. She did not know. I said please check. She went back to work again and did a double shift. Just before midnight I picked her up at work and she asked for sex at that late hour, which is unusual because she had an early shift the next morning. Before I started I used a lubricant and found a tampon inside her. I checked again and found a second one. They smelt very bad and we did not have sex. I am now very concerned about Toxic Shock Syndrome. They may have been there for two days. A douche is not normally a good idea, but I told her to go in the shower and use the hand held shower to try to clean out any bacteria etc. Would natural unsweetened yogurt be a good idea to restore natural fauna and PH etc. I told her if she got a fever we would have to go to the doctor. What are the symptoms of TSS ? What to do next?