You didn't mention the type of ulcer .
Omeprazole 40 mg in severe cases recommended for
Treatment duration :
Duodenal ulcer 40 mg once in day on empty stomach for 4 weeks .
Gastric ulcers: for 8 weeks .
Maintenance :20 mg once daily for 3-6 months .
There are certain minor side effects of omeprazole , these are :Diarrhea, nausea, fatigue ,
constipation, vomiting,
flatulence, acid regurgitation, taste perverson, urticaria , respiratory infection and cough . All these side effects are minor in comparison of benefits , so you can take it for your disease.
However following measures may help you with this medicine.
Try raising the head of your bed about 4 inches with blocks. It also might help yo avoid eating or drinking for 2 -3 hours before you lie down. To control stomach acid one should not drink alcohol or drinks with caffeine in them or eat chocolate or spicy or greasy or foods.
Also avoid pizza, burger .
Take some antacid with omeprazoel as this will help in quick recovery in you ulcer.
Tension and over eating are other causes of ulcers so be careful about that also.
Hope these measure and treatment will help you.\