I wish you had provided some more info regarding the characteristics of the headache such as location, type of pain (throbbing, pressing, lancinating etc.), duration of episodes, accompanying symptoms (
vomiting, increased sensitivity to light, eye
redness and lacrimation etc.), affect of Advil on headache and its dosage etc.
It is such info which enable us to make an assessment on whether it is a primary headache such as
migraine or tension type headache, or if a responsible lesion is suspected for which before speaking of medication imaging studies might be necessary.
My most likely hypothesis would be for it to be tension type headache exacerbated by stress, in which case a course of
Amitriptyline as preventive medication might be considered. But as I said more info is necessary to make a confident recommendation.
Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.