Thanks for your query.
Noted your history of rumbling in abdomen, bloating, acid reflux for about months and whats to know the solution and whether this is related to frequent
No, this is not related to frequent masturbation.
The cause can be
chronic gastroenteritis or IBS with stress and/or anxiety playing the major part.
I would advise you the following in view of the 8 months of history.
Get the stool tests for three consecutive days.
Tests of blood particularly for thyroid functions, blood sugar and so on as these can be the cause.
Ultrasonography of the abdomen.
These tests along with proper clinical evaluation can guide for the diagnosis and proper treatment.
These may be in the form of 5 day course with an antibiotic,
metronidazole, PPI and
If all the reports are normal; lifestyle changes to reduce the stress and anxiety, better food habits, stopping of outside beverages should help you out along with any medication for IBS if required.