My husband is 47- experienced first pancreatitis 4 years ago. Had gallbladder removed, became diabetic following year. Was able to control with diet until last year. He is now taking Januvia as of last month. He started on mertformin and that actually caused his numbers to rise. He had a flare up that was managed at home in June of this year, and accute attack in August, and another flare that we are managing at home this month. We are seeing a gastro dr, specialist in Dallas, and our local family dr. He's had a biopsy of the pancreas and it was benign for cancer. We are going back for more tests in a few weeks. We are following low fat diet as well. He does not drink or far there are no medical answers for the cause of the pancreatitis. In your experience, are we doing all the right things? Would a Mediterranean diet help considering diabetes an pancreatitis?