My sister is 31 yr old weighing now 67 kgsShe is suffering from diahhorea sand vomiting since second July.She was admitted in hospital on 3rd July and was given regular treatment with IV - Metrogyl,Zaomycin,ondem,Pan4.She was discharged after 5 days but still she complained of abdominal pain and vomiting sensation and loose stomach.After two days she was agin readmitted and given same dose and again dischareged after 5 days. Still she has same symptoms.One week before She was dignosed in stool sample for blood and Balantidium coli .Then she stareted taking Enetquinol twice a day .After two days she again got diahhorea so the doctor incresed the dose to 6 tablest in day .Now 2 days have paseed and still she is very restless complainig of pabdominal pain,vomiting sensation,loose stools.She is only on liquis that also very less.Please advise