Hi Looking for some insight on this before I see my doctor. I ve been experiencing a muscle spasm/twitch in my right toe/foot for over two years now. It looks like it s the muscle on the side/bottom (left side of the right foot) and that s possibly making it seem as if my toe is twitching. The odd thing is, I notice it happen more when I m not focussed on it or looking at it. I ll be working on the computer or watching tv and will notice it, but when I look at it and focus on it, it tends to act up less. Almost as if when my mind is focussing on a different task, it will be worse. It also seems to twitch when I extend/stretch the toe out sideways and then rest it again. The muscle will have a spasm and then lessen. Sometimes when I do that, it actual sends a horrible muscle cramp down the side of my foot and it freezes up until it relaxes again, but thats rare. I tend to get anxiety because of it due to me worrying it s something serious. I ve also had somewhat general anxiety for most of my adult life. I understand anxiety can exasperate the symptoms and because of that, I sometimes feel spasms in other places such as my legs. Recently, there has been a spasm just above my elbow on my left arm that has been there for over a week. It started out pretty intense, but has since calmed down, but is still there. I don t seem to have any weakness anywhere. I do get achey muscles from time to time, but that could simply be from biking back and forth to work every day. I try to stay pretty hydrated and I ve been making sure I get proper nutrients, including magnesium. I ve had lower back pain (right in the middle of the lower back just above the buttocks) for most of my life. I remember as a kid, I used to get a crippling, shooting pain that would pretty much cause me to not move (or else it would happen again) until it subsided and then a slight numbness feeling would be there for a few seconds. Maybe that was just a pinched nerve? I will also mentioned, although it could be unrelated, about 6 months ago, my index finger and thumb started to cramp up while typing. The only way I can explain it is that when I go to type, my thumb and index finger want to stick together. Its almost as if my wrist gets tight and cramped. If I mimic the action of typing in the air, it does not do this. Now, I have been using a keyboard and mouse almost daily for over 20 years and I m doubtful I have been moving my wrist properly when using the mouse, so this could be a result of that. Other than that, my right hand seems fine. What scares me the most and is constantly in my mind because of all of this, is that my father has Parkinson s Disease. I am 37 years old and I believe he was diagnosed when he was around 38-40 years old. He did not experience any of these symptoms. I also don t seem to have any other symptoms such as movement issues, gait issues, etc... Any insight on what this could be? What kind of stuff I should have looked at, tests etc... Could it be something related to the muscles in my foot that might require an x-ray or MRI of the foot? Could a pinched nerve cause something like this without any pain? Hopefully I ve provided enough detail to get some insight on what could be causing any of this. Thanks so much!