Thanks for your query. Read the history about your daughter and understood the problems.
The history is quite unique.
She gets the pains in the abdomen only if she sleeps on her tummy, feels sick, dizzy, and has headache too.
She finds the way in the night to sleep on tummy whatever way you try to make her sleep on her sides or so. She is fine if she is not sleeping n her tummy.
With careful study of the history you have provided as above and also of the treatment for
acid reflux my thoughts are as follows:
-It is difficult to get acid reflux in such a small age unless there is some intra-abdominal problems.
-Since the pain comes only if she is sleeping on her tummy, means she has some inflammatory process in the abdomen that touches the very sensitive
peritoneum in this particular position.
I would suggest her the following:
-First of all clinical evaluation and actual physical examination by a General or Pediatric Surgeon.
CT scan abdomen will be of tremendous help to confirm or rule out appendicitis/ Meckel's
internal hernia and so on.
-Routine investigations of the blood, urine and stool.
Once the investigations are done, start the following treatment:
-A 5-day course of an antibiotic,
metronidazole and
- Medicines against intestinal worms.
-Diet changes if a particular food or beverage has been causing or increasing the problems.