I understand your concern.
* - Fetal movements get reduced during 3rd tri master of pregnancy( 7th -9th month) as baby tries to move down & enters pelvis. This makes restricted place for fetal movements.
- with advance of pregnancy, daily routine of baby starts in
uterus. May be when you are free to note baby movements- it's babies sleeping time.
- Maternal
stress with illness/weakness may affect baby movements.
* low lying placenta/ macdonald's stitch do not affect fetal movements.
* You sat that USG is normal- that means babies
heart sounds are normal. You need not worry in that case.If you are reffering to an old
sonography,please visit your doctor soon & get the matter evaluated.
* get babies heart sounds counted every 3 days for 15 days & gain confidence for fetal well being.
- Lie down in left lateral position & try to feel baby kicks.
- taking
cold drink/juice with some sugar this may stimulate your sleeping baby.