Hello and welcome to healthcaremagic
I would keep a possibility of Frontoparietal Morphea
It presents as a linear band of hard bound, sclerotic skin, extending vertically on the forehead and extending variably into the scalp (with associated hair loss). There is atrophy of the skin and
subcutaneous tissue along this band, the atrophy may extending to the level of bone as well.
The other name of frontoparietal morphea is,
Linear scleroderma en coup de sabre, given the resemblance of the skin lesions to the stroke of a sabre. The diagnosis is a clinically obvious one.
Treatment options are:
-Topical, intralesional, and systemic
Vitamin D3 Analogues
-Topical PUVA with UVA I therapy
-Oral antimalarials like Hydroxychloroquine
I would suggest that you see a
dermatologist for a confirmatory diagnosis.