I understand your concern.
* Braxton hicks contraction s are intermittent contractions of uterine muscles.
without pain,just tightening of muscles- probably due to stimulation of muscles by fetal movements, inadequate water intake by mother/ breathing trouble/ full bladder/
constipation with gasses.
In case the contraction is associated with pain, doctor's advise is mandatory.
* In 9th month baby tries to move down & enter
pelvic cavity. This needs mild painful uterine contractions &
stress to
uterus this causes pain in lower abdomen, back & hips.
* Calcium & Vit. D supplements help in reducing such pains./ Drinking sufficient water/ rhythmic deep breathing/sleeping in left lateral position also help.
*True Labor pains are pains in rising intensity, comming intermittently( the interval between two pains reducing )
So the pains your sister has seem to be just preparation for delivery.
* To get a through check up at this stage is justified. From mother & child health/ to have idea about the delivery ( time/ type)