Hi welcome to HCM
I have gpne thru you query regarding SOB and wheezing in a diabetic who is overweight .
The process of respiration is one of the most basic processes in the human body. Oxygen is needed for the process of metabolism which produces energy in the body .
Metabolic syndrome risk factors include
high blood pressure, obesity,
high cholesterol, and
insulin resistance Asthma.
Metabolic factors include insulin resistance,
hypertension (high blood pressure), cholesterol abnormalities, and an increased risk for blood clotting.
Affected individuals are most often overweight or obese .
Insulin resistance refers to the diminished ability of cells to respond to the action of insulin in promoting the transport of the sugar glucose, from blood into muscles and other tissues .
Aggressive lifestyle changes are usually required to prevent serious health problems, such as diabetes and
heart disease , asthma . These changes include: modifying stressfull life style and food habits . due to which our immune system is weakened .
. Wheezing usually refers ailing lungs. Both inspiration and expiration seems to be difficult . It should be treated as Nature’s alarm to take care of the lungs
. In fact,Your body is always fighting something -- an infection, a toxin, an allergen, a food or the stress response -- and somehow it redirects its hostile attack on your joints, your brain, your thyroid, your gut, your skin, or sometimes your whole body .
Your immune system is your defense against invaders .
But when the immune system becomes weak, the disease cells can grow out of control , the disease overpowers . You have to increase your activity level .
Gulping on only medicines will not work unless you modify your life stye and proper food habits .
your total health depends on 'what we eat ,when we eat and how we eat '.
So regular exercise and Balanced diet containing essential nutrients as fiber , fruit ,green veges, ginger, garlic ,
vitamins and minerals in natural form - coconut water ,lemon juice with water nuts , almonds , and supplements full of antioxidants as Aloe vera juice + Amla juice 2 spoons , A level spoon Turmeric powder + Almond oil is very important for our sound mental and physical health and strengthen immune response naturally
For proper blood circulation. Regular Walk,exercise ,yoga , Kapalbhatti pranayam -deep breathing ,Anulom Vilom , Bhramari are help ful for soothing nerves inducing sleep and eliminating toxins from our body and help the natural hormones work, leading towards healthy life .
Make sure that you get enough sleep every night.
Drink plenty of water to enhance the height of your intervertebral disks. Since your body is composed mostly of water, staying hydrated will keep you full with fluid and reduce stiffness .
Avoid fast fried food , tea coffee , alcohol ,smoking , ,worry , stress ,anger ,constipation
Meditation also helps sooth the mind helps in detoxifying and strengthening the immune system to enhance resistance from diseases and pave way for healthy disease free life .
Take Homeopathic Nat Mur 30 & Nat Sulph 30 / alternately / 2 times each . Take 3 hourly . Repeat for 7 days . Repeat alternate day 7 times
Do Kunjal -- Dink 4-6 glasses of salty warm water , empty stomach , Retain for few minutes , do Agnisar by shaking your tommy in & out - than vomit it out It is good for your inside cleaning of toxins frm your stomach .
Do deep breathing ten times . Relax
Repeat for 3-4 days . Increase water to 4-6 .if you can
It’s important to check with your physician before adding herbs to your existing medications,regarding the herbs that are antioxidant ,have no side effects and go with any therapy of treatment .
Hope this helps solves your query .Take care .All the best
Don't hesitate to come with further query if you have any .