encephalopathy is a acute condition in chronic alcoholics due to a vit
Thiamine deficiency. then the patients suffers from mainly Ocular disturbances (ophthalmoplegia), Changes in mental state (confusion),Unsteady stance and gait (ataxia).
Korsakoff syndrome is often, but not always, preceded by an episode of Wernicke encephalopathy.Korsakoff syndrome causes problems learning new information, inability to remember recent events and
long-term memory gaps. Memory problems may be strikingly severe while other thinking and social skills are relatively unaffected. For example, individuals may seem able to carry on a coherent conversation, but moments later be unable to recall that the conversation took place or to whom they spoke.
Korsakoff syndrome is a clinical diagnosis representing a physician's best judgment about the cause of a person's symptoms. There are no specific lab tests or brain scan procedures to confirm that a person has this disorder.
so if you are suffering from antegrade
amnesia , you might have korsakoff syndrome. my advice would be stop alcohol forever, & continue oral thiamine and multivitamins supplements.
thanks for the consultation with HCM.:)