HI, I m a 54 year old male and recently (Dec10) I was at a GI clinic in preparation for a colonoscopy, when I somehow rolled off the gurney and hit my head on the floor. I was not aware of what happened as I woke up in an ambulance on the way to the ER, I had experienced a tonic conic seizure of an unknown duration and a severe laceration to my R eyebrow. After a battery of tests (EkG, CT, and XRay) and closure of my laceration I was sent home. I was feeling great and continued my usual regimen of Zoloft 100 Mg daily and 4-5 cup coffee regimen and pitiful 5 hour a day sleep habit, until Dec24 when prior to leaving for a MD appt., and while still in my car (ignition off) I suddenly and inexplicably experienced a seizure. I woke up 15 minutes later with my tongue bleeding and my back and legs aching. I was started on Dilantin 100mg po TID, but was changed after 3 days because of severe panic attacks to Keppra 500mg po BID. Would it be advisable to cut the Keppra dose to 250mg bid d /t decreased appetite. Thanks so much, Gregory Rudebaugh Tacoma, Wa (sorry so wordy) 15 minutes later still in my car with my tongue bleeding and my legs and back aching. Following this I was driven to the ER, and again received tests including EKG, and CT scan which were essentially negative. (Sorry so wordy) Anyhow they initially started me on Dilantin 100mg po TID, but after three days my primary MD started me on Keppra 500mg po BID after experiencing profound panic attacks while on Dilantin. Now since taking Keppra, my appetite is almost non existant and I have had nausea. I have eliminated coffee the last three days which could be the main cause for the GI SX S. Would it be advisable to reduce the Kepprw